

Empowering People To Work For Change (6th Volume)

Posted on 25 Nov 2020

Jameson Ahip Nawie


Language       English


ISBN              978-983-41801-2-6


Pages             252(s)


Publisher        The Department of Information Malaysia, Sarawak.


Copyright        The Department of Information Malaysia, Sarawak and Chief
                        Minister's Department, Sarawak.



This book entitled Empowering People To Work For Change is the sixth volume in attempts to compile speeches Tun Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud during his tenure as Chief Minister of Sarawak.


Its primary objective is to share his views, thoughts and ideas on developments in order to push Sarawak to reach the same level of development as other states and reflect his concern for the future of the people, Sarawak and Malaysia towards the year 2020 and beyond.